LACCAL Pride Network + Region 15 Partners Networks are excited to announce AIDS Walk Los Angeles, a LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES event on Sunday, October 15, 2023.
AIDS Walk Los Angeles is an educational event created by AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA Health), the oldest and leading nonprofit LGBTQ+ healthcare provider in Los Angeles. It’s all about coming together as humans to fight for LGBTQ+ healthcare, rights, and to end HIV / AIDS. This year will mark the 15th year Starbucks participates in the walk!
Want to learn more about APLA Health, check out this video and Why AIDS Walk Matters. and coming in August, an educational Virtual Open Forum with APLA Health leaders and Starbucks partners!
How do I get started?
Click here to download a printable BOH flier!
Follow these four easy steps!
Registration is open NOW!
- + click register now!
Click JOIN team - type in Starbucks (team captain Jenn Stuart)
Complete registration to start fundraising!
Sign up for matching on The Starbucks Community Champion Portal
Every dollar you fundraise / donate can be matched.
The Starbucks Foundation will donate while you walk too!
Share on your social media!
Why do you walk?
Who is helping you get there?
How much do you have to go?
Start fundraising! Make a personal goal or join your store in raising $250 - July 31st to September 14th.
Share on social media! 10 friends donate $10 = $100!
Create a raffle basket for your partners and customers $1 a ticket and collect and store safely.
Print AWLA donation cups (attached), sell for $1 and post how your customers are helping the community.
Every $1 you donate can be matched on The Starbucks Community Champion Portal.
Need support? Our fundraising leads are here to help! Contact Ryan Nichols, Christi Boudakian, or Selina Stratton-Malloy.
Mark your calendars!
Sunday, October 15 | 9:00 am
West Hollywood Park
647 N. San Vicente Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069